This weekend I went to a little zoo that is close to my place. It's not a big one and they do not have exotic animals but most of the exclosures seem to be OK for the animals and it is free of charge (except for a parking fee if you decide to come by car).
I went there early Sunday morning... before the big rush of young families started and it got growdy. this way I also avoided to get upset when people bring along tons of old bread to give to the animals ... even though every 10 meter there is a sign asking people to NOT feed them with stuff they bring from home ... a while ago they even had signs asking people to NOT feed them spaghetti as they get sick from it.... how stupid can one possibly be??

Dieses Lama war besonders neugierig und kam bis an den Zaun ran, und lief dann neben mir her um zu gucken, was ich da mache. Obwohl ich denke, dass Lamas nur spucken, wenn man sie ärgert, habe ich ihn im Auge behalten, man kann ja nie wissen, ob er gerne fotografiert wird :-)
This lama was a little nosy and followed me around to see what I was doing. Though I am quite convinced they only spit when they are annoyed I also watched closely ... one never know whether he likes being photographed or not :-)

Im grossen und ganzen bin ich mit dem neuen Objektiv recht zufrieden. Mir fehlt noch ein Filter, um Reflektionen und Lichtschleiern entgegenzuwirken, der müsste aber in den nächsten Tagen kommen. Dann werde ich weiter testen und üben:-)
I am quite happy with the new lens. Within the next days a filter should arrive as well (to avoid reflections and mists from the light). Then I will be out again to shoot and learn more :-)